Is there a file that I can manually edit to tell ti where my backups are? This new templating engine will ease the addition of new features I plan to do. I had a working rdiffweb set up but an upgrade to freebsd 9. Stuart 15 May , Cookies help us deliver our services. rdiffweb

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Traceback most recent call last: This option should only be enabled if the LDAP if confiugred to allow the user to change their own rciffweb.

Rdiffweb Documentation

Cookies help us deliver our services. Then click on 'rdiffweb' and you should see the backups If updating an existing installation including v0.

A bind password to use in conjunction with LdapBindDn. Current version use a home made templating engine.

RdiffWeb Conf | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

We recommend you to install it from source as we have more experience doing it this way. This page rdiffweb last modified on 30 Juneat I have provided this software free gratis and for nothing.


Can I use your rdiffweb-install on Freebsd? Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.


You may install rdiffweb in various way. A few improvements to the init script and allowing rdiffweb to use linux user pam authentication instead of its rdifdweb separate password are 'out there' but not in the last release v0. This plan start with a complete revamp of the templating engine.

Rdiffweb - QNAPedia

The following was provided by contributors:. To install rdiffweb, you need rdiffwsb install the prerequisites. Tan 19 Mar Dominic 15 May The attribute to search username. Then you may download a snapshot of the repository and proceed with the installation on your system. To make LDAP authentication work, you need to enable the plugin and provide information about your environment.

If not provided, will use an anonymous bind. The LDAP plugin can only be used for authentication.

rdiffweb-install v3.10 [18 Mar 2018] by Dominic

Rdiffweb is provided with unit tests and integration test. I have plan to provide better support for rdiffweb professional support.

You may install rdiffweb from pypi. Python, librsync, rdiff-backup, CherryPy.

A valid LDAP search filter. Normally it installs the latest master version, however with option -d it will install the latest development version. Do you have a trick to do this conversion? Here rdoffweb some screenshot to rdicfweb you a glimpse: Dominic 18 Mar Then log out as administrator and login as that user, click on 'Preferences' and then on 'Find and update Backup locations'.

This section describes how to configure rdiffweb to notify you.



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